My weekend was ending, so I decided to go for a ride. After filling up the tank I went inside a conviant store and picked up a few essentials. A big gulp, one pack of Marlboro reds and a scratch off. After leaving 7 eleven I sat in traffic for a while. It drove me crazy and gave me too much time think. I couldn’t shake the thought of having to go in to work tomorrow, so I decided to take the highway. When I was on the move I was ok. I’m not sure where I’m going, but It’s the thought of something good happening that gets me out and about. It always beat moping around the house waiting for the inevitable. At least with this route I have some type of chance. After driving a while I made the choice that it was time to turn back. It was getting late. There was a rest stop I parked at that had a uTurn near by. I scratched my lottery ticket and won a thousand dollars and was no longer thinking about work. For the moment I took pleasure in fucking the odds. I can afford to call out of work the next couple of days and I’m not so sure that I’m ready to take that uTurn just yet, anything can happen.